Here's the Moonlight Art Magazine interview lineup: Eisner Award nominee David Mack, Eisner winner Eddie Campbell, Billy Martinez, Christy Lee Rogers, and Oscar winners Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff Jr. Also, the first installment of the comic book story, The Temp, written by Frank Kane and illustrated by Christopher Moonlight and updates on the indie films, coming from Christopher Moonlight Productions, involving zombies, sexy aliens, and an authorized Ray Bradbury documentary. Download it for free at the end of the month. Check out a few sample pages (in progress) now!
Page #2 from the David Mack interview:
Intro to the Billy Martinez interview:
Page #7 of The Temp, written by Frank Kane and illustrated by Christopher Moonlight:
Page #2 of the Christy Lee Rogers interview:
First page of the Christopher Moonlight Productions Indie Pages: