This video is a little warm up, while I put together the mini documentary When Hollywood Green-Lit Comic Con which I'll be putting on You Tube for free, in the next few weeks.
Batton Lash is the artist, writer, and publisher of his comic book Supernatural Law, which he publishes through his own imprint, and a artist in residence at Art Lab in San Diego. He can be found every year at the San Diego Comic Con, as shown in this video I shot in 2012.
He also has written and done art for such comics as Archie, The Simpsons Comics, First Gentleman of the Apocalypse, and Gory Lori.
After my Comic Con/Hollywood documentary is out, I plan to finish my short film Girl In The Window, while simultaneously pursuing funding for my feature length documentary The Practical People. Then, come summer time, Moonlight Art Magazine #3 will arrive with the conclusion of my Lovecraftian comic book story, Negative.